Good Evening, Lovelies!
So, here we are. Our first date! I feel those fluttering anxious butterflies that one has when starting a new relationship, even though it was love at first sight between us. I’ve known I wanted you lovely ladies in my life ever since I started this venture- and since you are here, I'm confident you’re ready to Take Back the Nighty with me! I know we are in this together but I should start by telling you a little bedtime story about myself and how I got here.
First, let’s set the mood for our memorable meeting. Grab a glass of seltzer with fresh squeezed lemon, an ice cold Oktoberfest, or a delicate rosé. You’re probably already in your lovely loungewear, but if not, I’ll wait while you slip into your favorite nighty. In the meantime, cue up the background music (press play below) …
ok, now we’re ready.
As I sit here on this early autumn evening, thinking of all the work ahead of me, I feel the crisp fall weather coming on and can’t help but feel some apprehension about the cold New England winter ahead. One of the first things that goes through my mind this time of year is, “but, what about all my cute nightgowns? I have drawers full of light, satiny, summer nighties, now how will I wear them without fear of freezing!”
Once that autumn chill sets in, these night delights can’t compete, and the layering game begins. First, I throw a cozy cardigan over it. Then, the thigh highs are hiked up higher and higher. The last attempt to hold onto summer will be the desperate addition of tattered thermal undergarments. By the dawn of December those sultry summer nighties will be tucked away in their drawers for a long winter’s nap, as I become unrecognizable under thick layers of fluff.
It was two years ago when I saw myself in the mirror and realized I had sunk into a very low place… the feared ‘Frump Slump’! Who was I? I have a fine figure and a hot husband and I had essentially given up any hope of looking lovely until the lilacs were in full bloom! I knew I had to make a change and find something that could be both warm and hot. So I went looking. And looking. I had the image in my head. I knew exactly what it looked like. But nothing. Nowhere! Sure, I could get a gown fit for a granny, or a lumberJill but that doesn’t fit the description of what a lovely lady wears. It was the fashion emergency of my nightmares.
Granny gown anyone?
Now desperate, I signed up for sewing lessons and scoured patterns for something close to what I was imagining and proceeded to sew my first design.
And girl, that design stirred something within me! It cured me of my boudoir blues and started a conversation amongst my fellow females. “Are you truly happy in your sweats and pajama sets?” “NO! I still want to look hot when it’s cold,” she fired back. That’s when I knew… it was up to me to Take Back the Nighty.
This stewed in my juices, until New Years Day 2017. As I sat swaddled in an afghan, I made it my resolution to see what I could make of this clingy idea…
And that’s where I’ll leave it for tonight. I know we have so much to look forward to together and I would be wise to leave my lovers wondering what’s next. Stay tuned for part 2 coming soon!
PLEASE, SIGN UP TO KEEP IN TOUCH AND YOU WON’T MISS A MOMENT OF MELODRAMA! I Love My Nighty is hard at work designing the best women's loungewear and the nightgown of your dreams, but we've still got a lot to do, and we'd love to keep you posted as we prepare for production!
Yours Truly,
Maureen Evelina
Leading Lady, I Love My Nighty